The clouds roll gently in the hurling gusts of wind. The skies turn from the perfect baby sky blue and into this bleak time bomb that could burst any second. It turns darker and gloomier as moments pass into the day.
Inside the confines of my room, I am safe from the aerial attacks from up above, bullets made out of water that rain down by the millions. People do not like days that do not show the warm embrace of the sun. They cower away under the manufactured threaded pieces plastic polyester material that is joined in the center with metal, or wood. This mysterious thing called umbrellas. They stay inside and push themselves against the walls of confined spaces just because they are afraid of interfering with mother nature’s exclamations.
On the contrary to many people, I find rainy gloomy days beautiful. When you watch the world give everything it’s got, you see the world relax, and when she gets to the peak of her power, we see how small we really are in the world.
Everything we are can be swept away by the breath of mother nature.
When it rains, I see the physical representation of letting go, and when she dies down, the clouds get lighter and she starts to breathe easier. It’s calm and it seemed that her temper tantrum was just a figment of your imagination.
She hides it so well. Just like the strongest woman that you’ll ever know. She will cry and breakdown but will keep coming back up just to fight one more day.
I talked about the rain, the storm, and mother nature, how she can tear everything apart. But the rain in this world is just a part of being here, some days will pour, some will just have minor showers and on other days there won’t be a cloud in the sky, but your rainstorm can be anything.
It can be enraged with thunder and lightning, or it can be a drizzle, a small hiccup in the daily forecast. Don’t be the people that try to hide behind their four walls, but embrace everything she throws at you. It’s not about hovering in fear of something breaking, it’s about learning to let things break, letting things tear down those walls, and showing those vulnerabilities that you try so hard to disguise.
It’s learning how to dance in the rain, and to feel her pull and heave within your every heartbeat. The storm will pass and you will go through a stage of renewal, of rebuilding. Some of these storms will leave you without a single crack and others will leave with nothing but blueprints to rebuild your foundations, but each time you will find something new.
It’s okay to scream and shout about it. It’s okay to rage back at her but change is inevitable during those shaky moments that strike at your core.
So, if you cannot bear the thought of battles over your own fields, and learn to pick up the pieces that fall to the ground. If you refuse to reposition your castle, to better protect your kingdom, why are there any rainstorms at all?